Mobile GamesNews

NBA All-World game from Niantic officially shuts down

Not a year has passed since its official release, and NBA All-World is no longer available.

Released on January 24, 2023, NBA All-World, a game developed by Niantic (the company that is behind Pokémon GO) was a game with a promising future, but in the last few weeks (months) there wasn’t anything new happening in the game.

Certainly enough, there were rumors that Niantic would be shutting down a few games, but we still had some hope that this wouldn’t happen. Well, it did. Now, many players are saying the same: NBA All-World was a total disaster. It didn’t meet any player expectations, nor it was player-friendly.

What are your thoughts on the game? Did you expect this shutdown?

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Ivana Kachurova

Fresh out-of-uni writer, with a passion for gaming (a girl that likes games?!) and technology, as the newest addition to the FGR family, she will make sure to keep up with the latest news happening in the gaming community and report to you as fast as she can. Faster than The Flash. As an absolute fan of Shakespeare (the greatest human being, duh) you might find her where the gaming world and the literature world collide. The best of both worlds.

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