NewsNintendoPokémon GO

Pokemon Go Shiny Mega Tyranitar Debut in Mega Raids, Shiny Tyranitar Seems Boosted

Mega Tyranitar has taken over Mega Raids, and there’s a chance to encounter its Shiny form during the event. Shiny Tyranitar is also available now, so make sure to mark the dates, and get yourselves new Shiny Pokemon.

For those unfamiliar with Mega Raids, they are a new tier of Raid Battles that occur at Gyms. These Mega Raids feature a Mega-Evolved Pokemon as the Raid Boss, providing a challenge similar to Legendary Raids. If you manage to defeat the Mega-Evolved Pokemon, you’ll be rewarded with Mega Energy, which is essential for future Mega-Evolutions.

The Mega Tyranitar Raid event is happening from July 25 to August 4, 2023. Mega Tyranitar can be shiny, which leads us to Shiny Tyranitat. Remember that Mega Raids have a chance to reward you with a Shiny version of the featured Mega-Evolved Pokemon. Additionally, the base form of Tyranitar can also be found in its Shiny form in the wild.

It’s worth noting that both the base form and the Mega Evolution form of Tyranitar are always available to be caught in their Shiny versions through all encounter methods.

Shiny Mega Tyranitar and Shiny Tyranitar are very rare. The recent event has potentially increased the odds of encountering these elusive Shinies, This means an increased opportunity to add Shiny Mega Tyranitar and Shiny Tyranitar to your collection.

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!

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