Mobile GamesNewsPokémon GO

Pokémon GO Prep for Annihilape by Placing Ghost and Psychic Pokemon in Gyms

Annihilape, the Rage Monkey Pokémon, is making its Pokémon GO debut during the Raging Battles event, running from January 19, 2024, to January 24, 2024.

As many of you might already know, the key to evolving Annihilape involves a unique challenge, defeating 30 Ghost-type and Psychic-type Pokémon. While raids and PvP battles are the usual methods, they have their limitations.

This event isn’t just about the debut of Annihilape, it also brings new features and bonuses. For those interested in these additional perks, feel free to check them out here.

Now, let’s see how to obtain Annihilape in the game. To evolve Primeape into Annihilape, we must defeat 30 Ghost-type or Psychic-type Pokémon in battle, with Primeape as our buddy. The options in Raids are limited, and relying solely on them might not be the best strategy. PvP battles offer another way, but they come with limitations like the cap of 25 (or 50 during the event) battles per day and the uncertainty of facing the required psychic types.

So, what’s our alternative? As a community, we should start placing Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon in Gyms. If a Gym is fully stocked with these types, each player who conquers it will get credit for 18 defeats (that’s 6 Pokémon times 3 defeats for a knockout). Thus, conquering just two such Gyms could meet your evolution requirement.

A call to the community
byu/SSBGOGETA66 inpokemongo

While not everyone may adopt this strategy, the participation of even a few trainers can significantly impact. I’m committed to placing Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon in gyms and encourage you to do the same. Let’s collaborate and make evolving into Annihilape a smooth and easy process.

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!

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