Mobile GamesNewsPokémon GO

Update – Ban Lifted! Pokémon GO player becomes the first to receive a 30-day ban on both Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts under new criteria

Update: Niantic re-evaluated the situation and decided to lift the ban, restoring player accounts on Wayfarer and Pokémon GO.

Previous Story: Trainers, a significant development has occurred that you need to know about. A player has just been slapped with a 30-day ban on both their Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts, all in the wake of Niantic’s recent announcement outlining new criteria for Nominations and Wayspots.

We all know that rules in video gaming aren’t just scribbles on a page; they’re the bedrock that ensures fair competition. Pokémon GO, like any well-designed game, has its own set of guidelines that aim to keep the playing field level. But when you color outside those lines, be prepared to face consequences. Now, meet the latest sanction, the Niantic Wayfarer ban. What sets this apart is its unique four-strike policy, breaking away from Pokémon GO’s typical three-strike tradition.

Within Pokémon GO’s comprehensive penal system, which includes Activity Warnings, 3rd Party Application Warnings, Softbans, Shadowbans, Temporary Bans, and Permanent Bans, the Wayfarer ban adds a fresh layer of complexity. This is a four-strike affair, folks. And bear in mind, after you’re hit with any form of suspension, you’re locked out of all Niantic games, including Pokémon GO.

Rack up four strikes, and you’re staring down the barrel of a 3650-day suspension. So, if you’re foggy on the specifics of future Nominations or Wayspots, you best get reading the criteria, pronto.

As it stands, one player has already been shown the door, unable to access their Pokémon GO or Wayfarer accounts for a full month. When questioned, Niantic Support was tight-lipped, revealing only that the player had submitted inappropriate images for existing Wayspots. The player stated that they solely provided pictures of the requested items, without including anything else.

This individual has a Pokémon GO tournament coming up next month. Talk about bad timing. Hopefully, things will get sorted out in due time.

But let’s be real for a moment. Niantic should be more transparent about the reasons behind these bans. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it could help us all avoid future mistakes when submitting Nominations and Wayspots.

If you are a video game developer and you have a submission to make, you can mail us at

Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!


  1. Wow…I’ve never would of thought I’d ever seen Niantic do a dual reversal for a ban. They’re typically pretty set in their ways and minds made up. Glad I was able to catch the update on my Google feed.

  2. I didn’t get banned thank goodness but a stop o nominated was refused because it “contained inappropriate content” it was a sign for a memorial, the only thing in the picture was close up of the sign and an American flag hung on the house by the bridge that I couldn’t crop out.
    Then it was denied for not having a side walk,, it has sidewalks on both sides! I was on the sidewalk when I took the picture.

    1. Remember that niantic are not only idiots but also the worst programmers in the world. Their decisions never made sense, and its only gotten worse over time. I think everyone sane quit playing or at least quit reviewing stuff on wayfarer. My routes have been waiting since they released them to lvl48 (about 1,5 months now). My stops get rejected for the dumbest reasons, like that its located in a historical landmark – which isnt even true, and even if it was, arent we supposed to add historical landmarks? Truly some brain dead reviewers out there

  3. “Rack up four strikes, and you’re staring down the barrel of a 3650-day suspension.” I’d hate to see some get hit with A THREE THOUSAND FIFTY DAY SUSPENSION! I would think a year (365 days) suspension would be the worst of it. But 10 years (3650 days), you might as well just quit the game.

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