Mobile GamesNews

Pokemon Go Players not Getting Double XP for Friendship Level Increase due to Delayed Notification Bug

Pokemon GO players have come across a new bug that causes Trainers not to receive double experience for Friendship level increases while using a Lucky Egg, Niantic stated on their blog. However, the problem is not the Lucky Egg, it is the delay in notifications. Niantic has made the title a bit misleading, making players believe that the issue is in the Lucky Egg.

In normal circumstances, when you level up your friendship level, a notification on your screen should come right up but in this case, it comes after some time when the effect of the Lucky Egg has finished, resulting in getting a regular amount of XP instead of double XP.

As per Niantic:

When using a Lucky Egg, Trainers do not receive doubled experience as their Friendship levels increase.
Issue description: Trainers may see a delayed notification after the effects of the Lucky Egg have run out, causing them to not obtain doubled experience for their Friendship level increases.
Issue status: Investigating

It seems that there is a broader bug in the game that causes notifications to come with a delay for each task, action, and catch that you complete. There are many records of this bug, so we advise Niantic to fix it as soon as possible because many players are losing XP.

Have you come across this bug?

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!


  1. Yes. I came across this 3 months ago and submitted the details to Niantic and basically got “you probably didn’t have a lucky egg on. Nothing we can do” in response. Incredibly disappointing as I had v3 best friends we had coordinated for that lucky egg

  2. Happened to me today. Submitted a ticket, got response that XP was awarded correctly even though I didn’t get a lucky egg bonus for leveling up with 2 people. Lost 200K XP and wasted time and effort coordinating… Bummer.

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