Mobile GamesNewsPokémon GO

Pokémon GO Routes “Inaccessible Area” rejections on the rise, Niantic says “We’re not currently able to look into why”

Okay, Trainers, let’s dive into this Routes issue in Pokémon GO that’s causing some confusion. Routes are important for upping your game, but man, they can be a real pain. Players wait months for approval, and then some see their Route got approved, used and then rejected. What’s up with that?

So here’s the deal. One player went on the Silph Road subreddit to share their experience. They used their Route over 500 times and then, out of the blue, it got rejected. No reason was given. Another player had a similar experience; their Route had been used over 1,000 times before it got pulled.

I just had a route with over 500 walks on it rejected.
byu/AlcoholicSocks inTheSilphRoad

Listen to this: On September 11, 2023, another player got a very vague answer from Niantic after their Route was rejected. The company basically said, “Thanks for asking, but we can’t give you a reason.” Below is the response.

“Thank you for contacting Pokemon Go Support.

Thank you for testing Route Creation! We’re not currently able to look into why your exact Route was rejected. That said, we are aware that trainers are interested in receiving this kind of feedback – we have let our team know that this is a feature you are interested in.

Have a good day. Please let us know if you need help with anything else.”

This isn’t new, by the way. One player had their Route rejected after a mind-blowing 91,776 trips! The reason? “Inaccessible Area.”

If you’re stuck and can’t find a Route, you might want to try Campfire. Campfire helps you locate Routes near you, and it does so with more efficiency than the game’s built-in menu. In the top left corner, beneath your player card, you’ll find a ‘Create Route’ button that will display these Routes directly on your map.

So, are you dealing with something similar? Let us know. We’re all trying to figure this Routes stuff out.

If you are a video game developer and you have a submission to make, you can mail us at

Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!


  1. My tire was rejected as unsafe despite being entirely on a nature trail on a shared footpath and cycle paths yet two nearby routes run along a busy road for their entire length.

    Niantic routes was ill conceived and incompetently executed.

  2. I walked a straight line it got rejected as I assessable yet I walk that way often I don’t know if its rejected due 2 a oneway driving part but still if I can walk ot often y can’t others made same route slightly smaller hope it passes I can do the walk in 15 mins there are a lot worse routes around y can I not get 1 straight route or are straight lines not allowed

  3. I just had my first attempt at a route rejected, saying it was inaccessible. I walk this area all the time, it is easy, no heavy traffic, no buildings to go’s just a simple walk down main street. Why would it be rejected as “inaccessible” when it clearly isn’t?

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