
Focus Entertainment and Afterburner Studios reveal new partnership to create new IP

Focus Entertainment has announced a collaboration with Afterburner Studios, the developers behind Dreamscaper, to co-create a new intellectual property.

Both companies will share ownership of the upcoming project, signaling a collaborative effort to bring something innovative and unique to the gaming community. Despite the buzz surrounding this partnership, detailed information about the nature of the project remains undisclosed. Fans and industry enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting further updates to shed light on additions to the gaming industry.

The fusion of Focus Home Entertainment’s publishing expertise and Afterburner Studios’ creative expertise will deliver an immersive gaming experience, challenging the conventional boundaries of interactive entertainment.

Here is the official Tweet:

Stay tuned for more insights into this exciting venture that holds the potential to reshape the gaming industry.

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Ivana Kachurova

Fresh out-of-uni writer, with a passion for gaming (a girl that likes games?!) and technology, as the newest addition to the FGR family, she will make sure to keep up with the latest news happening in the gaming community and report to you as fast as she can. Faster than The Flash. As an absolute fan of Shakespeare (the greatest human being, duh) you might find her where the gaming world and the literature world collide. The best of both worlds.

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