
Did Remedy Entertainment use Bots to promote Alan Wake 2 system requirement changes? MasteroftheTDS has something to show us

It is not every day you see a company using bots to promote something, but it looks like that day has come.

A while ago, there was some “drama” happening in the gaming community, which revolved around Sweet Baby Inc. and to be honest, back in those days, everything was happening. As you know, the company was supposedly involved in Alan Wake 2, a game that lowered the official minimum system requirements for PC a month ago.

Well, a research conducted by MasteroftheTDS left me with an open mouth, without any words to say. That research shows that supposedly, Remedy Entertainment, or someone else that is closely related to the company, unleashed a number of bots on the internet in order to advocate for the new lowered system requirements.

Bots aren’t so bad, but they can do more damage than imagined if they are used for the wrong reasons. In order to promote the newest update that brought lower PC system requirements, numbers and numbers of bots were released to “praise the changes”. The funny thing is, the “Twitter users” all say they could now run Alan Wake 2 on their “ancient laptops” or “potato computers.”

I got my daily laugh just by reading these bot tweets, honestly.

If this really is true, and bots were used in promoting Alan Wake 2, Remedy Entertainment doesn’t have a good look right now. Why would you use bots to do this?

Many players are really disappointed in this, especially in the involvement of SBI. Some say that they can spot the supposed involvement of the company-I-shall-not-name, but it was overall good. Not great, but good.

Kudos to MasteroftheTDS for doing this research though, and great job spotting the old, ancient, and dusty potato PCs/laptops.

If you are a video game developer and you have a submission to make, you can mail us at

Ivana Kachurova

Fresh out-of-uni writer, with a passion for gaming (a girl that likes games?!) and technology, as the newest addition to the FGR family, she will make sure to keep up with the latest news happening in the gaming community and report to you as fast as she can. Faster than The Flash. As an absolute fan of Shakespeare (the greatest human being, duh) you might find her where the gaming world and the literature world collide. The best of both worlds.

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