
New Starfield Details Revealed in Interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard

Bethesda’s Todd Howard recently unveiled new details about the upcoming and probably most exciting and anticipated interstellar game, Starfield. In an interview with Kinda Funny Games, Howard provided insights into multiple aspects of the game, including accessibility options, in-game radio, mechanics, and the game’s frame rate for Xbox Series X/S.

Understanding the importance of accessibility in modern gaming, Howard highlighted the game’s commitment to a large font mode. This feature is essential in an RPG with significant amounts of text and accommodates players with visual impairments, various monitor sizes, and those using handheld devices that enable game streaming.

Howard confirmed that Starfield will feature over a thousand worlds when discussing interstellar exploration. Approximately 10% of these planets will support life, setting the stage for exploring an intriguing mix of environments. However, players will do so without the benefit of land vehicles or mountable creatures, emphasizing the importance of on-foot exploration.

To enhance this experience, Bethesda has introduced the “Boost pack” as a form of in-game mobility. Howard describes it as a “vehicle,” suggesting it can significantly alter how players traverse the game’s landscapes, particularly on low-gravity planets.

The interview also touched on in-game radio stations. Howard confirmed there would be one, but its use is limited to a specific location, offering a localized soundtrack for players’ adventures. You can find the interview below:

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Amie Gammons

A huge fan of puzzlers. Would love to experience the world and takedown on every single and upcoming game title. In the free time love to sing, follow recent game rumors and try to decrypt them in the best possible way.

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