Mobile GamesNewsPokémon GO

Pokémon GO Kecleon should be everywhere, but where is it? Did Niantic forget to increase the spawn rate?

Trainers, the current Out to Play event promised us more Kecleon. But hold up a minute, it looks like Niantic and Pokémon GO might have skipped a beat. Where in the world is Kecleon?

According to the official announcements, Kecleon was supposed to be strutting its stuff at PokéStops way more often during this event. But despite that, Trainers are out there, scratching their heads, and finding zero Kecleons. Did Niantic drop the ball?

For those of you chasing Shiny Jirachi through the Masterwork Research “Wish Granted,” you know that Kecleon is a must-catch. Specifically, the third step of this research series tasks you with spinning a PokéStop for 20 days and catching 10 Kecleons. Easy, right? Not so much.

Kecleon sightings are as rare as a Snorlax on a treadmill, expect to encounter one every 30-40 PokéStops if you’re making the rounds during the Out to Play event.

Now, for those who are new to the “catching Kecleon” business, here’s the lowdown: Click on every PokéStop you come across until you find a nearly invisible Kecleon clinging to it. You’ll know it’s there by the faint outline and that unmistakable red stripe. Tap it until it detaches from the PokéStop, and voila, it’ll show up on your game map ready for capture.

A quick tip: Stick close to the PokéStop where you find Kecleon. If you walk away, you might just miss your chance, and nobody wants that.

Also, heads up. You might see Kecleon outside your immediate radius, like on a PokéStop you can’t even spin. Originally thought to be a bug, this was actually confirmed as a feature. And let’s not forget, Kecleon and Team Go Rocket Grunts don’t mix. If a Grunt has taken over a PokéStop, Kecleon won’t appear there until the Grunt is ousted.

Note: The Masterwork Research: Wish Granted is no longer available. Those who have it can complete it at any time.

So, Trainers, if you’re on the hunt for Kecleon, keep those eyes peeled and those PokéBalls ready. Good luck out there.

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!


  1. Prior to this event I have seen zero as in 0 Kecleon. So on the first day of the event I was out on at an appointment in another’s town on a Main Street where there are many Pokestops and caught one Kecleon. I was beyond excited. Unfortunately that was the only one I have seen since. I live in a rural town where the main strip has 20-25 going one way on a 2 mile stretch and less the other way. I’m going to to go back and forth again tomorrow and hoping I finish my masterworks research.

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