
How to Earn XP and Level Up Faster in Pokemon Go

One of the most important features in Pokemon Go is to earn experience and level up. Leveling up is not that hard and the only thing a player has to do is to earn experience for different actions. Some actions will give you less XP, while some will give you more.

Earning XP in Pokemon Go will lead you to a higher Trainer Lvl, and the higher your Lvl, the more in-game elements a player would see. Also, the higher your Lvl, the better your chance of finding a rare Pokemon.

Each level grants you a number of items, and you can also unlock more powerful items that will start appearing from Pokestops after some time.

The level rewards are mostly PokeBalls, Potions, Revives and Berries, but every five levels the players get additional Incense, Lucky Eggs, Egg Incubators and Lure models, and you find the leveling up, XP required and rewards chart here.

There are a lot of ways to earn XP, and to make it easier for you, I’ve made a list of all actions that will help you increase your Trainer Lvl in Pokemon Go.

Curveball Bonus 10
Nice Throw 10
Feed a Pokemon a Berry 20
Pokemon Ran Away 25
Spin Enemy Gym Photo Disc without Bronze Badge 25
Spin Friendly Gym Photo Disc without Bronze Badge 31
Spine Enemy Gym Photo Disc with Bronze Badge 50
Great Throw Bonus 50
First Throw Bonus for catching Pokemon in One Ball 50
PokeStop Interaction 50
Spin Friendly Gym Photo Disc with Bronze Badge 63
Spin Enemy Gym Photo Disc with Silver Badge 75
Spin Friendly Gym Photo Disc with Gold Badge 94
Spin Enemy Gym Photo Disc with Gold Badge 100
10th Unique PokeStop Bonus 100
Succesful Pokemon capture 100
Excellent Throw Bonus 100
Catch your 100th Pokemon of a Species 100
Spin Friendly Gym Photo Disc with Gold Badge 125
Hatch 2km Egg 200
First Spin of new PokeStop 250
10th PokeStop Streak Bonus on a new PokeStop 500
Hatch 5km Egg 500
Hatch 10km Egg 1,000
Add New Pokemon to Pokedex 500
Evolve a Pokemon 500
Complete T1 Raid 3,000
Complete T2 Raid 3,500
Complete T3 Raid 4,000
Complete T4 Raid 5,000
Complete Legendary Raid 10,000
Defeat Enemy Pokemon at a Gym (per Pokemon) 100
Beating every Pokemon at a Gym 50

Now let’s see how much XP a player can earn when completing daily activities for 7 days in a row.

First Catch of the Day

  1. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  2. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  3. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  4. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  5. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  6. Day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust;
  7. Day – 2500 XP, 3000 Stardust.

First PokeStop of the Day

  1. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  2. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  3. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  4. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  5. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  6. Day – 500 XP, extra items;
  7. Day – 2500 XP, many extra items.

A lot of players who are playing Pokemon Go since launch, including myself, are still ‘working’ to reach Lvl 40, and now with the latest feature Friends and Gifts, a new player can hit Lvl 40 in 3 months! Sounds impossible, right? But what if I tell you that one Pokemon Go player went from Lvl 1 to Lvl 40 in less than 5 DAYS? Yes, that is possible too, you just have to wait for the right event.

Here is the math:

  • A player can earn 163,000 XP per friend once both of them reach the Best Friend Lvl – that’s 326,000 XP using a Lucky Egg!
  • It takes only 1 new Friend to open a gift daily and increase your friendship level;
  • A player can send up to 100 Gifts daily.

By the looks of it, and the math done by MarsNeedsFreedomToo on TSR, one player needs 123 players to earn 20 million XP in just 3 months and that’s without using a Lucky Egg.

  • 100 friends x 163,000 XP = 16,300,000 XP;
  • Assuming the new player spins 250 pokestops daily to obtain those 100 gifts, and earning 50 XP per pokestop all over 3 months: 250 x 50 x 90 = 1,125,000 XP;
  • Sending 100 gifts per day and earning 200 XP per gift: 100 x 200 x 90 = 1,800,000 XP;
  • And the daily bonuses 12 x 2,000 + 90 x 500 = 69,000 XP;
  • Total – 16,300,000 + 1,125,000 + 1,800,000 + 69,000 = 19,294,000 XP.

A player can reach Lvl 40 without catching a single Pokemon (except the starter), and Raid with it, but you’ll have the weakest account, because XP isn’t a good indicator of how strong your squad is!

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Dejan Kacurov

Hello everyone! My name is Dejan, but you can call me Mr.D. I enjoy all video games, especially Apex Legends, Pokemon Go, and Spider-Man. A husband and father of two who also goes to the gym often and does Crossfit. I got inspiration for gaming exactly 8 years ago, and I've been writing gaming news for 7 years. I hope that you will find all the answers to your questions regarding gaming on our site. Stay healthy, and love each other!

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