
Xbox Uploads Marvel’s Blade Trailer with an Xbox Splash Screen at the End

A hint of exclusivity?

Marvel’s Blade announcement trailer is now featured on the Xbox channel and, intriguingly enough, concludes with an Xbox splash screen. This subtle yet significant detail has sparked speculation about the possibility of the game being an Xbox exclusive.

Until now, there has been a noticeable silence regarding the exclusivity of Marvel’s Blade. The initial reveal at The Game Awards, led by Arkane Lyon under the Microsoft-owned Zenimax, was high on action and intrigue but low on platform-specific details. This absence of clarity around exclusivity was a departure from the usual practice for big titles under the Microsoft banner.

The recent trailer upload with the Xbox splash screen is like finding a hidden clue in a mystery game. It’s a potential game-changer, suggesting that Marvel’s Blade might be joining the ranks of Xbox-exclusive titles. This move could indicate a strategic shift by Xbox, perhaps signaling a more exclusive direction for future releases from their studios.

Arkane Lyon, known for their masterful storytelling and gameplay in titles like Deathloop and Dishonored, is at the forefront of Blade’s development. Their track record of crafting engaging, player-centric experiences has heightened the anticipation for this venture into the Marvel universe. Blade is expected to be a standout title with the studio’s involvement, now possibly bearing the exclusive Xbox banner.

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Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. 8 years after founding FGR, my mission remains the same. That is to discover secrets within the gaming industry, create guides for all the games I play, and provide you with some important news. Oh, yeah, I post tons of patch notes too. At the time, I play everything that seems reasonable to play, make content about it and help gamers to the best of my abilities. P.S. Last time I counted how many hours I've spent in video games turned out to be 13+ years. And that was a long time ago too. Almost 24/7 in front of PC. If you need anything, feel free to contact me on X!

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